"Way to go Jimmy!"

That's what Steve Paikin reports John Baird said to Jim Flaherty after presenting the Harper regime tough on wallet's scheming for the next year.

And what is it that makes John Baird so happy?

Maybe it's spending 1000x more of your tax dollars on warplanes than on post-secondary students.

Maybe it's spending 1000x more of your tax dollars on prison scheming than crime prevention programs that keep families safe.

Maybe it's spending more of your tax dollars on the G20 for one weekend than on Canadian seniors.

John Baird says the Harper regime is doing a great job. We say hard working Canadian families deserve better, like investments in family home care, strong pensions that Canadian families (not just "pathetic" Nortel pensioners) can rely on, support for higher education and families with children in school, and quality child care.

Election or no election, we'll be working in Ottawa West-Nepean to present a positive alternative.